Catrine Village Activities
Catrine Community Action Plan Group
12 O'clock gang
Every Tuesday at 12pm - 2pm
Lodge St John
A Catrine village warm hub.
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Catrine Community Action Plan Group
The Garden Club
Starting Saturday March 25th at Catrine Games Hall and open to all ages and abilities, learn how to sow and grow, meet like minded people, learn new skills or pass on your knowledge :)
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Catrine Games Hall Trust
Registered Charity - Sco50067
Sport and recreation, Mad Fab, Badminton, Kids Parties and much more
Catrine Bowling Club
Sports Club
All welcome, Catrine Bowling green is set in a beautiful part of the village, fantastic place to relax and join in.
Catrine Community Action Plan Group
Catrine Clean up Campaign
In collaboration with Catrine Community Council, and with the help of our amazing volunteers we meet the first Saturday of the month at Catrine Games Hall 10am to do some litter picking in and around the village. A great way to spend a few hours if you have the time. Join in the fun!
Catrine Community Action Plan Group
Monthly Meetiings
Everyone welcome, the second Wednesday of the month at the AMB Institute 7pm - 9pm. Help us in our activities, come tell us what improvements you think the village needs, get involved. Your opinions and input are very valued.
Catrine Community Action Plan Group
Wildlife Warriors
Coming soon, a walk a bout to discuss improving the natural habitats in our village, come along and spot some wildlife, native wild flowers and enjoy some good company